The habit of eating too much salt can be a sign of danger for your health, be careful

Salt is an important part of our taste, its deficiency spoils the taste of food. Some people like to eat strong salt in their food, but its excess is not good for your health.

Excess salt means high sodium content in the body, which increases the risk of heart, blood pressure and kidney diseases etc. That is why doctors always recommend controlling the amount of salt in food. Use less salt while cooking and avoid adding extra salt to food. So that you can avoid many health risks. Know here what harm can happen by eating excess salt.

high blood pressure

Your habit of eating too much salt can make you a patient of high blood pressure. Eating too much salt can increase the amount of sodium in the body, which also increases the amount of water in the blood. Then this increases the pressure in the blood vessels, which causes the problem of high blood pressure.

heart disease

Eating too much salt increases the risk of high blood pressure as well as heart disease. High blood pressure also increases the pressure on the heart arteries, which increases the risk of heart disease. Excessive salt intake can also cause coronary artery disease.

the strokes

the strokes

High blood pressure and heart disease increase the risk of stroke. High salt intake also damages the arteries of the brain, further increasing the risk of stroke.

Kidney disease

Kidney disease

High salt intake puts extra strain on kidney function, which can lead to reduced kidney function and long-term kidney disease.

increased risk of osteoporosis

increased risk of osteoporosis

Excessive intake of salt also removes calcium from the bones, increasing the risk of many bone diseases including osteoporosis.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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