Raw or boiled milk, which milk will give you more strength? This is the correct answer

Milk has been given great importance in Indian food. Be it an adult or an old person, everyone drinks at least one glass of milk every day. Children are fed milk every day for better growth. Milk contains adequate amounts of protein, calcium, vitamin D, fatty acids and many types of minerals, which makes milk a powerful dairy product.

There is always a debate among milk lovers whether milk should be consumed raw or not. Some people believe that bacteria grow very fast in raw milk, which can easily make you sick. While some believe that raw milk contains more nutrients and beneficial enzymes than boiled milk.

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What is raw milk

Raw milk is a dairy product that is not pasteurized. In simple words, when milk reaches people directly from the cow's udder, it is called raw milk. Pasteurization is not used in this. It is a process in which milk is heated for a long time to kill germs and bacteria. This process increases the shelf life of milk by reducing the number of bad bacteria present in the milk.

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benefits of drinking raw milk

Raw milk is healthier and more nutritious than boiled milk. It does not contain chemicals and preservatives. It boosts immunity and also provides relief from heartburn.

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Do not drink milk after these things

Disadvantages of drinking raw milk

Disadvantages of drinking raw milk

Harmful bacteria grow in raw milk, which can cause serious illnesses. U.S. Food and Drug Administration According to experts, raw milk contains dangerous germs like Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, which can cause food poisoning. According to experts, people with weak immunity should avoid drinking it.

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So then what is better for health?

So then what is better for health?

People should always drink pasteurized or boiled milk. However, some people believe that boiling milk destroys the nutrients present in it and it is not as healthy as before. Also, the quality of milk also changes. But this is not so. After boiling, the bacteria present in the milk are destroyed, which reduces the risk of getting sick and infection.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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