Have you ever eaten luxury fruit chaat worth lakhs of rupees, this lake has more expensive fruit chaat than gold, must try it

There are many beautiful lakes in India. Out of which you must have heard about Vemanad Lake, Chilika Lake, Indira Sagar Lake and Pangong Lake. Dal located in Jammu and Kashmir is also very famous. This lake is known for its beauty. The area around it is a natural paradise. But this lake has become famous among tourists for another reason, that is the fruit chaat available here.
You must have visited Dal Lake many times, but have you enjoyed the fruit chaat here? Many people miss this specialty of the lake, but today we will tell you about a fruit chaat found here, which is worth more than gold. Let's know what is the specialty of this fruit chaat.

Fruit Chaat in the middle of the lake

You must have enjoyed fruit chaat at wedding parties and many stalls in the city, but this fruit chaat available on the Shikara in the middle of Dal Lake is very special and is no less than gold. Because in today's time, getting something fresh and pure is a big deal. Here many people make and sell fresh fruit chaat with different varieties of 10-15 fruits in the Shikara.

Fruit chaat worth lakhs

You may be shocked to know the price of this fresh fruit chaat. The price of one plate of fruit chaat is Rs 2 lakh. Of course, this may sound like a joke to you, but people definitely taste this fresh fruit chaat once.

Use of these fruits

Use of these fruits

The special thing is that the chaat is absolutely fresh. Complete hygiene is also taken care of while making it. Fruits like apple, Kashmiri apple, dragon fruit, grapes, white melon, watermelon papaya, pineapple are added to it. Some fruits are foreign and expensive too. The shopkeeper himself prepares this luxury chaat by cutting the fruits in front of you.

Magic masala is special

Magic masala is special

The fruits used in it are delicious, but the spices used in it are even more delicious. Fruit chaat sellers say that it is the magic of their magical spices that makes their chaat worth lakhs. If you have been to Kashmir, then do not forget to taste this expensive fruit chaat available in Dal Lake.

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