How did BJP fail to take advantage of GDP growth? Understand each point

New Delhi : The results of the Lok Sabha elections have come. In the general elections, the NDA has once again got the mandate to form the government. However, the results of these elections have shocked the BJP. The party has got 63 seats less this time compared to the last general election. This time the party has come down to 240 seats compared to 303 seats in 2019. The biggest setback to the BJP has come in the politically important state of UP. In the last general election, the party had won 62 seats. Whereas, this time the number of seats of the party has come down to 33. The special thing is that despite economic growth, BJP did not get its benefit. Let's know what was the reason behind this.

Growth and electoral impact

  • Economic growth of 8.2% in 2023-24, after two years of high growth, would normally be an electoral advantage for the incumbent government by improving living standards for the majority and becoming a major campaign issue.
  • However, this did not happen. Reason: There is a job crisis in India, which is further increasing the impact of inflation.

Reduction in jobs

  • Several indicators suggest that the lack of decent jobs is a significant issue.
  • This should not have been surprising, as official data showed that while GDP or economic output recovered rapidly post-Covid, high-quality formal jobs did not grow in the same proportion.

Increase in self-employment

  • The increase in the number of self-employed persons is the most obvious indication of inadequate employment opportunities.
  • The high proportion of self-employed workers in India reflects the weak relationship between GDP growth and the creation of formal jobs.
  • The number of self-employed people has also increased between 2020 and 2021.

Working without pay

  • In 2022-23, 57.3% of workers were self-employed, of which about 18.3% were unpaid workers in household enterprises.
  • This increase in unpaid work since the pandemic shows that many people did not benefit from GDP growth.

Agricultural employment

  • About 46 out of every 100 employed Indians were employed in the agriculture sector in 2022-23, a higher proportion than before Covid.
  • Due to lack of employment opportunities, many who returned to villages during the lockdown were unable to access better opportunities. This left them stuck in the agriculture sector, which is the lowest-paid and most uncertain sector.

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Regional disparities

  • In regions where the BJP lost seats, such as eastern Uttar Pradesh, northern Karnataka and eastern Maharashtra – the poorer areas of its states – GDP growth lagged behind many regions.
  • With stagnant incomes, the impact of inflation has made the situation worse, even if it is not high by historical standards.

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