There should be exemption for not wearing black coat and gown in summers… Petition filed in Supreme Court demanding change in the rule

New Delhi: A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court saying that there should be relaxation in the requirement of wearing black coat and gown for lawyers in summers. A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court demanding changes in the rules of the Advocate Act 1961. There are rules regarding the dress code of lawyers and that is why they have to wear black coat, gown etc. The petition also says that a committee should be formed and there should be medical experts in the committee and it should be investigated that what kind of clothes should lawyers wear in summers so that their work and health are not adversely affected.There should be a discount…
Supreme Court advocate Shailendra Mani Tripathi has said that there should be relaxation in traditional dress. The petition filed in the Supreme Court states that the Bar Councils in the states across the country should be directed to tell when it is summer in their states so that exemption can be given from black coats and gowns in those months. The petitioner said that black color absorbs heat and lawyers have to face problems due to clothes of this color. He said that this is a violation of the right to work in safe working conditions.

What does the Indian Advocates Act say?

Senior advocate KK Manan says that the Advocate Act in India was made in 1961. Under this, it has been decided that there will be a fixed dress code for lawyers in the Supreme Court, High Court and lower courts as well as tribunals in India. Under this, it has been decided that male advocates will wear black coats with black buttons, black sherwani and white bands and it will be mandatory to wear black or white pants and white shirt. Whereas, female lawyers will have to wear white and black sarees, black full or half sleeve blouse, long white and black skirts.

The dress code originated in England

The dress code of lawyers started from England and it was there that the dress code of lawyers was decided which has been adopted in India as well. The profession of advocacy started in 1327 AD during the tenure of Edward III and it was then that it was decided what the dress of judges should be like, then what should be the dress of judges in the Royal Court. In England, around 1650, judges started wearing wigs and the tradition of gowns started. After this, in 1865, the British royal family ordered to wear black coats and then the tradition of wearing black coats in courts started.

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