Friday, October 18th, 2024

No Prime Minister has given such a speech… Manmohan Singh attacks Modi, makes this appeal to the voters of Punjab

New Delhi: Today, Thursday, is the last day of campaigning for the last phase of the Lok Sabha elections. Voting is to be held in Punjab in the last phase. Before voting in Punjab, former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh said that only Congress can ensure a better future where democracy and the Constitution will be protected. Manmohan Singh appealed to the voters of Punjab to vote for development and inclusive progress and give a chance to love, peace, brotherhood and harmony.

In a letter to the voters of Punjab, the senior Congress leader also accused the armed forces of imposing the Agniveer scheme and said that the BJP thinks that the value of patriotism, valor and service is only four years. This shows their fake nationalism. It has been said on his behalf that Narendra Modi He is the first Prime Minister who has reduced the public discourse and the seriousness of the post of Prime Minister.

No Prime Minister in the past has used such hateful, unparliamentary and uncivil words to target a particular section of society or the opposition. Manmohan Singh said that during the election campaign Modi has given the most hateful and malicious speeches which are completely divisive in nature. Manmohan Singh said that no Prime Minister in the past has used such hateful, unparliamentary and uncivil words to target a particular section of society or the opposition.

He has also made some false statements against me. I have never in my life differentiated one community from another. BJP has the sole copyright on this. Modi had accused Singh that during his tenure as Prime Minister, he had said that Muslims have the first right on the resources of the country. Singh said that the people of India are watching all this.

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