Your kitchen will not become a ball of fire even in extreme heat, follow these hacks to cook cool food

Everyone is worried due to the rising temperature in the scorching heat. Living without AC now seems impossible. In such a situation, cooking food while standing in the kitchen is a very difficult task. Because in summer, the kitchen is hotter than other rooms of the house. This is due to less space and things that generate heat. Also, lack of adequate ventilation can also be a reason for this.

Standing and working in the kitchen during summers is no less than a torture. But do you know that the heat of the kitchen can also be reduced? If you don't know, then you should understand, because we are telling you some amazing tricks. With the help of which you can work in the kitchen in a cool state. Then no matter how much the temperature rises, there will be no difference in your cooking.

Chimney and exhaust fan

Having good appliances not only generates less heat in the kitchen but also reduces gas consumption. Hence, one should buy a chimney and well-insulated cookware. A one-time expense will benefit you for many years. Make sure to invest in cookware that does not have a very thin bottom, as these heat up very quickly and also emit a lot of smoke. Apart from this, keeping the exhaust fan on in summers is also beneficial. This helps in air circulation in the room and one does not feel suffocated due to the heat.

Lime will help you

It may sound a little strange but this desi method can be useful in keeping your kitchen cool. For this, put a transparent cover on the wall outside the kitchen like you put wallpaper. Now apply lime on it. It is not very expensive and reflects the heat. Due to this the heat of the sun will not be able to come directly into the kitchen.

white light instead of yellow

white light instead of yellow

Nowadays people have started using yellow light in the kitchen, even if it is just for beauty. Yellow light may look beautiful in a modern kitchen but it is not good at all for summer. It increases the heat, so it would be better to decorate the kitchen with white light.

Gas stove not induction

Gas stove not induction

In most homes, food is usually cooked on a gas stove. It should be used as little as possible during summers. Because it generates heat, it is difficult to even turn on the fan for fear of the gas flame going off. In such a situation, the best way to keep the kitchen cool is to use induction instead of the stove.

put cotton curtains on the window

put cotton curtains on the window

Many times the reason for heat in the kitchen is the window in it. Because of this, direct sunlight enters the room. Therefore, if there are windows in your kitchen, then cotton curtains should be installed on them. Also, leave the window open for some time before sunrise and after sunset. This keeps the kitchen cool.

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