This is the world's most powerful milk, but FSSAI is not allowing it to be sold in India, it gives a thousand times more nutrition

Milk is called Amrit in India. Doctors recommend it to everyone from children to the elderly. It is rich in calcium, protein, healthy fats and vitamins. There is a milk that is more powerful than cow or buffalo milk. But the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) prohibits its sale.

This milk is human milk, which is mother's milk. Various researches have shown that it contains thousands of times more nutrients than normal milk. It has the ability to provide more strength, vitamins and minerals. It is best for gastrointestinal function, immune system, neurodevelopment, physical health.

FSSAI said- the condition of the sellers is not good

FSSAI On May 24, an advisory was issued, stating that the organization has never allowed and will never allow the sale of human milk. Those who are illegally processing or commercially selling mother's milk as a breast milk substitute should stop doing so immediately. Otherwise, such people will not be spared and appropriate legal action will be taken.

There is a big reason behind this

National Horticulture Mission The national guidelines on breastfeeding management in public health facilities lay down strict rules regarding human milk, such as it must be given to the baby fresh and can be done only after the supervision and instruction of a doctor.

Breast milk can only be donated, no money or benefits can be taken in exchange for it. Donated human milk cannot be sold or used commercially. If the baby and mother are healthy enough to breastfeed, then this duty must be fulfilled.

The right way to drink milk

Best for baby

Best for baby

Breastfeeding is necessary for 6 months after the birth of the baby. It is like nectar for the growth, health and strength of the child. According to Johns Hopkins, it contains the best nutrients for the development of the baby's brain and nervous system. It provides him with the necessary strength and health for life.

Protein mine

Protein mine

According to the American Pregnancy Association, human milk contains whey and casein proteins. Whey proteins provide protection against infection. The names of these whey protein compounds are lactoferrin, secretory IgA, lysozyme and bifidus factor.



Human milk contains vital fats, which are the sole source of calories for the baby. It helps in the development of the brain, retina of the eyes and the nervous system. It plays a big role in the birth of a healthy baby.

Sea of ​​vitamins

Sea of ​​vitamins

Human milk contains every vitamin a breastfeeding mother needs. It contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. It also contains water-soluble vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid.

Carbohydrates for gut health

Carbohydrates for gut health

Consuming human milk has lifelong benefits for your gut health. It contains a carbohydrate called lactose, which kills bacteria harmful to gut health. It increases calcium absorption and strengthens bones.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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