CBI chief Praveen Sood said that in the year 2023, on the request of India, Interpol issued 100 red notices against wanted persons who had fled abroad after committing crimes in various states of the country, which is the highest number ever in a year. He also said that Interpol Red Notice is not an arrest warrant, but a request to all enforcement agencies around the world to locate and provisionally arrest a wanted person for extradition, surrender or similar legal action, who is wanted by Indian investigative agencies and has fled abroad from India.
International police cooperation is needed
CBI Director Sood said this while addressing the 10th Interpol Liaison Officers (ILO) Conference organised by the CBI on Thursday. In which liaison officers and other officials from all the states of the country participated. He said that international police cooperation is needed in real time to deal with the threat of international crime and organised crime. He stressed that the international dispersion of crime and criminals has increased the need for investigation abroad. He further said that “new age crimes including cyber-enabled financial crimes, online radicalisation and international organised crime networks are not limited to borders. In an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of international police cooperation cannot be underestimated”.
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The agency works globally to combat these crimes.
Addressing the conference on the occasion, Union Home Secretary Govind Mohan emphasized the need for close coordination and real-time collaboration among law enforcement agencies globally to tackle the imminent threats posed by terrorism, transnational organized crime networks, online radicalization, proliferation of illicit drugs, arms trafficking, cybercrime, online child sexual abuse, human trafficking, wildlife and environmental crimes, economic crimes, laundering of proceeds of crime, terrorism financing, etc.
'Fugitives must be brought to justice'
He said the Indian government is considering 200-300 requests for assistance every day. He said criminals and fugitives should not get benefits due to differences in international justice. They should be brought to justice. With the help of Interpol and international agencies, 29 wanted criminals have been brought back to India in 2023 and 19 so far in 2024. He said the CBI's 'Global Operation Center' processed 17,368 requests for international assistance in 2023.
The conference focused on the Interpol Channel, Globe-e Network and investigation of complex international crimes. Speakers from BKA (Germany), FBI (USA), CBI, National Police Agency (Japan), National Crime Agency (UK), PDI (Chile) and Nepal Police also participated in this round table of experts.