New Delhi: Recently, BJP's Kangana Ranaut had given a controversial statement about farmers. After which the party distanced itself from her statement. BJP had issued a press release and expressed disagreement with Kangana Ranaut's statement. After which today she has broken her silence on the party distancing itself from her statement. BJP MP Kangana Ranaut said in an interview to India Today that I agree with the party. I am not the spokesperson of the party. This is their policy. I have faith in the party. I am a soldier of this party and nothing is more important than the party for me. She further said that now she will work according to the thinking of the party and will be more cautious about the choice of her words in future.
BJP had given ultimatum
According to a press release issued by the BJP's central media department, the party has also instructed the Mandi MP not to make such statements in future. However, despite the BJP distancing itself from the issue, Congress leaders have cornered the BJP on this issue.
What did Kangana Ranaut say?
BJP MP Kangana Ranaut had claimed in an interview that 'Bangladesh-like anarchy could have happened in India during the farmers' protest. She said that Bangladesh-like anarchy could have happened in India in the name of farmers' protest. External forces are planning to destroy us with the help of insiders. If our leadership did not have foresight, they would have succeeded.
Referring to the 2020 farmers' movement, he said that if our top leadership was not strong, what happened in Bangladesh would not have taken much time to happen here too. When the farmers' movement took place here, there were dead bodies hanging, rapes took place. The whole country was in shock. Those farmers are still there, they have not returned. They never thought of going back. They had come with a long-term plan, as happened in Bangladesh.