Ayurveda Doctor Diksha Bhavsar Honey has many medicinal properties. It is very good for eyes and vision. It helps in quenching thirst. Reduces Kapha dosha. It is very useful in problems like urinary tract disorder, asthma, cough, diarrhea and nausea-vomiting.
Benefits of honey
Honey is a natural detoxifier, which means it helps cleanse the body naturally. It is good for the heart, brightens the skin and also acts as an aphrodisiac. Honey helps heal deep wounds quickly and promotes the growth of healthy granulation tissue.
Types of honey and their effects
Fresh honey taken from the hive increases body weight and is a mild laxative. There is also old honey which is stored old honey that helps in fat metabolism and reduces phlegm.
Honey is actually a fat burner
Yoga Darling
Ayurveda talks about another special property of honey. Honey is called “yogavahi”. Yogvahi means a substance that has the ability to reach the deepest tissues of the body. When honey is used with other herbal preparations, it enhances the medicinal properties of those preparations and also helps them reach the deeper tissues.
Sage Charak has also mentioned honey.
The Ayurvedic sage Charaka wrote more than 500 years ago that “there is no trouble so deadly as that caused by improper consumption of honey.” In Ayurvedic medicine, ama, or undigested matter in the body, is believed to be the root cause of nearly all disease.
Learn how to lose weight from Dr. Sarin, watch the video
How to consume honey?
For obesity: Take 1 teaspoon of honey with a glass of lukewarm water. It is very important to take some precautions while consuming honey. For example, honey should not be mixed with hot food or water. Also, honey should not be consumed while working in a hot environment.
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