New Delhi. A shocking news has come out about young Yash Dhull, who made India the Under 19 World Cup champion. This player has seen a lot in the last few months. This 21-year-old star playing in the Delhi Premier League was given the captaincy of Central Delhi Kings. After this, it was decided to give this responsibility to Jonty Sidhu. Now Yash has shared that he has a hole in his heart and he has to undergo surgery for it.
Captain Yash Dhull, who made India champion in the ICC Under 19 World Cup to be played in the West Indies in 2022, is currently working hard to regain fitness. India won the World Cup by defeating England in North Sound. Yash, who made the team champion with excellent captaincy, is currently going through a difficult phase. After captaining the opening match of the Delhi Premier League, he had to play as an impact player. He was also given rest from the 5th match of this league.
Yash had a hole in his heart
Under 19 World Cup winning captain Yash Dhull has revealed that the last few months have been difficult for him. He had to undergo heart surgery due to a hole in his heart. Dhull had participated in the National Cricket Academy (NCA) camp. During this, during a routine check-up, the medical team found a hole in his heart. After this, he underwent heart surgery in Delhi. The BCCI kept an eye on Yash's health and remained in touch with him during his recovery.
first published : August 28, 2024, 2:26 pm IST
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